The magic of the Greytown's Festival of Christmas

Choose from over 70 events.
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Don't miss out !
Come for a fun night during the Winter Festival and learn how to look stylish with a minimal wardrobe. We will show you how to get 15 looks with 8 garments
Click here to book your ticket (tickets limited)

Come and learn how to find the artist within you !
And there is a kids class too !
Jo is a much admired and talented teacher, who believes teaching art is about the joy of colour and people’s own wonderful individual expression.Enthusiasm and a willingness to have a go are the only requirements and Jo's warm personality ensures that the atmosphere is relaxed, affirming and supportive.
Learn more about the adult class here
and the kids class here
This was the everchanging view from our shop during last year's festival.......Come and be part of a special festive atmosphere.
Pretend to be in Paris, London or Madrid.
Don't miss out look at the full programme on greytownvillage.com